of the State of Jammu & Kashmir

The Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Chaudhry Anwar-ul-Haq, has stated that the martyred Kashmiri freedom fighter, Afzal Guru, is the true hero who played a significant role in the freedom movement


The Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Chaudhry Anwar-ul-Haq, has stated that the martyred Kashmiri freedom fighter, Afzal Guru, is the true hero who played a significant role in the freedom movement. On the occasion of Afzal Guru’s martyrdom anniversary, the Prime Minister paid tribute to him in glowing terms, stating that the Indian Supreme Court’s decision to impose the death penalty to satisfy societal conscience clearly indicated that allegations against Afzal Guru were not proven, yet he was sentenced to death to appease societal conscience. His mortal remains were not handed over to his family; instead, they were buried in Tihar Jail.

He further mentioned that Afzal Guru’s entire life was a struggle; he never accepted the Indian occupation of occupied Kashmir and always raised his voice against it. He emphasized that Afzal Guru’s struggle against the coercion and oppression of the Indian army should be remembered. He hailed him as a hero of the Kashmiri people who will remain a hero. He asserted that the Kashmiri people’s struggle against India’s oppressive occupation will ultimately succeed, and one day, occupied Kashmir will be free from Indian control and become a part of Pakistan.

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